Monday, February 10, 2025

Entrepreneurship: Journey to self discovery

By Victoria T. Davis

By definition, an entrepreneur is “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” What many Hoosiers in the State of Indiana have learned over time is not only do those challenges cause owners to haul over financial hurdles, but mental and social ones as well.

For those who unlock the code to the glory of entrepreneurship, they discover an indescribable reward they couldn’t have found outside the walls of their typical nine to five job. Entrepreneurs discover the freedom to choose with whom their business engages with, how to master branding and marketing, hiring quality staff and most of all being “the boss” of their own masterpiece.

From major names and brands like Madame C.J. Walker who created her own hair products and John Schnatter, the creator of Papa John’s Pizza, to the sister duo of Just Pop In, Carly Swift and Mandy Selke, Hoosiers are ready to create their own and share their talents with the world. These individuals have inspired others to take risks, make mistakes, learn from their doings and most of all­–flourish.

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