Silent Hustle is a clothing brand built by two friends, Keenen Johnson and Kemontie Johnson, who share a bond of brotherhood and wanted to create something people could live by and have pride in wearing.
Co-founder Kemontie was tragically killed due to gun violence in 2018, but his legacy will live forever through friends, family and Silent Hustle.
The Johnsons were always close, even sharing the same last name, while not blood relatives but family in every other sense of the word. Keenen remembers when the idea of Silent Hustle came to him during spring 2018 and he immediately called Kemontie to share it.
To his surprise, Kemontie had also been developing an idea of a clothing brand with the same name, and from there, they knew they should start this journey together.
The message behind the brand and the support the duo received from friends, family and the community have ensured the brand’s success.
“I feel like it’s because of the name. People are able to connect with the name because it’s something they do every day. When they wake up, they wake up, go out and work to make a living for their families and in hindsight that’s hustling. You can’t get around it, you can’t get around hustling in silence.” Keenen said.
Today, Keenen continues to maintain and grow Silent Hustle with the help of friends, family and the community, which he said was essential to bringing him to this point.
“You need a team in anything in life, and I feel like it is so critical in business because without a team, you’re only going to get so far. Without a team, you can get far but you may be getting far slow.”
To view and buy Silent Hustle’s merchandise, follow them on Instagram @silenthustleclothing
To purchase items in-person, you can attend Silent Hustle’s pop-up show on Feb. 17, from noon to 5 p.m., at 804 Delaware Street. The event will have free parking, food, music, drinks and more!
“’Real hustlers move in silence. Let your hustle talk.’ I feel like that is a quote that we all should be living by,” Keenen said.
This minority business highlight was composed by Garrett Simms at the Indianapolis Recorder, who can be reached at 317-762-7847 or via email at If you would like your business highlighted in the Indianapolis Minority Business Magazine, click here!